A new age Vastu application revolves around the understanding of this ancient practice in context with modern needs. Modified Vastu is a new yet research-oriented concept.
A real aim of Vastu practice should be to dispel myths and misunderstandings. This can be done by applying research-based techniques and tools. Thousands of people have gained success after they have modified either homes or offices.
Simple tuning is possible in any fully constructed premises. Easy to implement energy corrections with empowered cures can successfully bring in wealth, harmony and, also joyfulness in life.
Surprising events dramatically change our lives. Nobody plan for illness, business loss, accident, or divorce. It catches anyone by surprise. Vastu modification (modified Vastu) helps in turning your bad days rather into better days. Modifying a Vastu can also be thought of as a barrier removal therapy. Therefore simply by aligning your personal space with Vastu principles, the things that are keeping you unhealthy, unproductive, stressed out and, unbalanced will, therefore, fall out of your life.
The ancient art of Vastu can bring you wonderful success in a number of ways including happiness, better relationships, health, creativity. Most noteworthy it improves personal & professional life.
Why people modify their spaces
- To accommodate additional requirements in the family like an increase in members, study room, guest room, etc.
- Lack of motivation and feeling lazy.
- Financial obstacles, no savings
- Job and Career obstacles
- Lack of harmony amongst the couple as well as family.
- Stress at home. Stress may cause anxiety, worry, and tension, which take up a huge amount of energy and leaves you uninspired.
- A poor house Vastu plan creates a disharmony. It may cause differences, lack of clarity and also depression, which will in turn impacts relationship negatively.
How modifying your space according to Vastu will help
- A modified Vastu brings relaxation, peace and, also serenity in the house. Vastu helps you to attract abundance in your life.
- It brings new opportunities and promotions in the career.
- Vastu modification helps in maintaining good health. Your stress level will be much lower.
It helps in maintaining harmony amongst the couple & family. - You will be able to handle challenges with grace.
- You will have a good feeling and will become happy, joyful, excited, enthusiastic and passionate.
- Modified space as per Vastu will improve the graph of the children academic performance
Vastu before changes

Vastu after modification
Notes on modification of the above layout
The above is a single floor home plan with two flats (apartment)
- Shift the entrance of flat No.1 from the southwest corner. Due to this, the door will occupy a positive location. The main entrance to the home is considered the mouth of any abode. It is one of the most important factors for actively drawing in positive energy.
- The balcony was provided in the northeast. As a result, it gives an extension to the northeast zone. Projection towards the northeast direction is highly auspicious and beneficial. The entire kitchen arrangements have been changed.
- Rectify the southwest bedroom with a new balcony.
Remember, The result of Vastu changes will be found in steps and not overnight.
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ALSO READ: Any premises can be Vastu compliant