There has been a significant amount of literature discussing how wealth, relationships, and family dynamics can be improved through the principles of Vastu. However, an important question arises: can we also apply Vastu to enhance our health and well-being, particularly in relation to medicines and healing? In response to this intriguing inquiry, I would like to share several valuable tips that may help you achieve optimal health through the practice of Vastu Shastra…
Medicines combat diseases, so they embody both wellness and sickness energies. Improper storage can disrupt energy circulation, leading to stagnant or negative energy in certain areas of your living space.
Vastu teachings suggest placing your medicine storage in an area associated with wellness and joy for optimal energy flow. As per Vastu experts, the ideal location for your home is within the tranquility zone, specifically in the NNE direction. This area, according to a Vastu grid, is particularly beneficial for promoting health and overall well-being in your living space.
Mental Effects: Keeping medications visible in common areas might subconsciously evoke thoughts of illness and wellness challenges, potentially leading to stress or unease.
Better consider renaming your medicine box to something more inviting, like ‘health pills.’ This simple change can make a big difference in how you view your medications. You could even create a cheerful label with this new name and place it prominently on the cupboard, drawer, or area where you store your health supplies.

Discard outdated or unused medications promptly. These can hinder your health improvement and should not be kept in your medicine cabinet.
Keep your medications in a wooden container or cabinet. Based on the the Vastu studies, wood element materials are beneficial as they promote wellness and development.

Don’t store your medicine box beneath negative images, such as photographs of individuals who appear unwell or display sadness, as this can affect your mood and well-being.
Put health-promoting signs inside or around the medicine storage cabinet, such as vibrant pictures of healthy plants or using the color green, which symbolizes vitality and freshness.
Clutter Free Medicine Zone
Make sure your medicine cabinet remains clear of clutter by cleaning it regularly. This practice not only helps you easily locate the items you need, but it also creates a sense of order and calm. A tidy space can significantly improve your mood and overall well-being.
It is essential to store medicines in a clean, designated area according to the Vastu.
Organizing your medicine zone is an essential task that you should tackle at least once a year. Although it may not take much time, this simple act can significantly contribute to decluttering your home. Moreover, it enhances the overall health of your living space, positively impacting both the environment and the well-being of everyone who resides there.